HK-258/318 dissolved oxygen meter common fault, reason and how to repair
2019-11-16 Read the number:2558 The author:管理员



Repair method

Temp shows 50

1.       Temp part of electrode is damaged

Change electrode or do the temp compensation manualy

2.       Temp wire of electrode cable is damaged

Change electrode cable

3.       Instrument electric is damaged

Return back to factory for repair

4.       Manual temp is 50

Change to auto

5.       Calibration wrong

Calibrate again

6.       Transmitter or electrode connector is damp.

Dry it and store it in the clean and dry place next time.

Test value is 0.00μg/L

1.       The measurement part of electrode is damaged

Change electrode

2.       Measurement part of electrode cable is damaged

Change electrode cable

3.       Electrode did not connected or bad connected

Reconnect electrode

4.       Instrument electric is damaged

Return back to factory for repair

5.       The zero-Calibration is not qualified.

Calibration the ZERO again.

Polarization electrode valve too big and reaction too slowly

1.       Electrolyte exceed the time limit

Change electrolyte

2.       Membrance is damaged

Change membrance

3.       Data in disorder

Clean history data and recovery system

4.       Electrode is damaged

Change electrode

5.       Electrode connector is damp.

Dry it

Charege abnormal

1.       Battery is damaged

1.       Charge battery

2.       Charge circuit damaged

Change charge circuit

3.       Charge block is damaged

         Repair charge block

4.       220V/50Hz cannot supply power normally

Change power supply

5.       Charge contact oxidated or bad connect

Clean, repair or maintain

Measurment in a bad condation, sometime normal, sometime abnormal

1.       Electrode connect badly

Reconnected well the electrode cable

2.       Electric damaged

Return back to factory for repair

3.       Water sample temp or flow rate abnormaly

Check water sample temp or flow rate

4.       Pipe or connector seals badly

Repair or seal again

On-site measurement value too big

1.       Oxygen leaks from pipe

Check pipe for leak place and repair it

2.       Bubble in the flow cell

Remove the bubble

3.       Water sample has a high oxygen concentration

Control oxygen contentration

4.       Electrode aging

Recalibrate the instrument or change electrode

5.       Membrace is damaged or calibration is wrong

Change membrace, electrolyte or calibrate again

6.       Transmitter or electrode is bad

Maintenance or change it.